June 30, 2011

High Waist Vs Transformer : Dark of the Moon

hye there and holla babe.kerana dah terlalu obses dengan siri kartun now im not gonna miss the films..yeah itulah kata-kata yang telah terkeluar dari mulut ku beberapa tahun yang lalu after dapat tau Transformers will be come out in Film yang sanga awesome.
from the fist episod until now, the latest im never miss to serbu wayang yang terdekat for making a date with bumblebee...hahhaha,yup my dream car..klu la dapat car yang boleh jadi robot,peehh...!memang best broo....!!!

so, i take the chance last nite, went to City Square,Johor Bahru with my siblings, yaa sejak-sejak ni both of them jadi bodyguard i k...hahah...i went there at 8.30pm, lambat coz tunggu my sister siap sangat berjam. what was soo funny is that we not make a booked tiketing,kire pegi berani mati la ni coz memang nak sangat tengok...last2 dapat jugak, but itu pon after berfikir panjang coz dah buntu..stuck dah oooiii...

then after pkir sejenak dan seberapa ketika, after my adik-adik bising dok merungut cakap soh tgok cter lain,i stand stood on my decision. tiket on 10.15pm, ap nak jadi jadilah.lambat balik pon xpe coz dah inform kat ayah balik lambat malam ni...haaiiisshhh...cakap macam weekend plak kan..hey hello ZH, esok adalah hari bekerja seperti biasa ok...but, taht was not the matter for. then g mane dulu sementara nak tunggu lagi 2 jam ni lets go makan McDOO....

here we are, ehemm ehemmm..im wearing high waist jeans. very stylo kan..hahah...ni la high waist yang beli kat Bugis Village. Sure la.. is $15 je..nmpk mcm mahal kan...huhuhu...! actually kne pandai cari and compare which currency yang lgi affordable...hmm,

im just match up with long sleeves tshirt from MNG, orange color. plus my fav shawl mostly reused version..hhahha..and fav hills, Everlast. Beg orange Longchamp. main saruk je dressup time ni..but is look ok kn..
mase ni kat area segget, otw nak ke Bazar Karat cari lens.sempat posing jap kat tepi jalan Wong Ah Fok

before masuk wayang perut mau isi dulu ya...I choose GCB, memang best tp tak power macam kat Budget Corner.

a moment yg amat dinanti-nantikan...my Zaza hassan WINK*
 sure kakak mesti kecik and shorter than adik-adiknya,even dah pakai hills.
nak usha mamat ni g la klik AsipHassan

alamak promote plak...sory bro xde niat ap k...just nak introduce my sibling je k...korangkan mcm artis...huhuu..
then the duratiion of the film agak panjang, 2 hour and 30minutes something, even dapat sit belah depan dan leher rase sengal-sengal kreem.dok mendonggak je but ya im satisfice dengan action dalam movie ni.autobots makin kuat. Optimus pon dah leh terbang.tapi yang sedih nya, Ironhide mati, babak die kjap je, mati diawal2 cerita..sodeh sangat.pat tu je ak agak geram, 

''hey steven why u matikan ironhide....???''

THUMB UP.....!!!


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